It's been a huge job closing down my private production studio & moving back to Northcote, to Bisque Studios. Bisque Studios is a Melbourne ceramic studio that I opened over 5yrs ago in the early days of my ceramic journey. It's been a very circular transition to find myself once again housed within the walls of this thriving ceramic community & studio. I have all these years been caring for Bisque in the background, but it feels like the right time to share it with my viewers once more.
We've made some monumental shifts & changes to make space for my office-studio. It's been a big job, both physically & mentally, but I must say it also feels like a very healthy shift & the right time to transition back to merging my studios.
Being welcomed back by my team of beautiful staff & thriving open studio community, has been so refreshing. Along with my move we've cleansed & brought fresh air back to the space.
This has involved a huge amount of decluttering, re-organising and shift in previous work patterns. For me, it's brought with it a refreshed love for teaching & I can't wait to embrace the classroom again. I'm super excited to share my skills & knowledge with the Bisque community, as well as invite you back to join me.
There's a few important dates coming up.
The first being a huge garage sale, followed by some up-coming classes.
Studio Open Day & Garage Sale
Sunday Oct 20th - 9am-1pm
Bisque Studios
2/167 Beavers Rd, Northcote
We have marked down raw materials, cheap ceramics, Asobimasu pieces for sale - samples, seconds & firsts. Bric-a-brac, studio supplies & a range of other bits & bobs waiting to find a home, even a kiln & an extruder.
Try the wheel with me!
We'll be hosting glazing sessions with pre-made bisque ware & $15 throwing sessions, with me! If you've not visited the studio before, then come down & say hello! I can't wait to show you around and give you a taste of the pottery wheel.
Up-coming classes with Me, Kate.
I'll be hosting the up-coming Friday classes at Bisque Studios. A mixed session for both beginners & intermediate students. Sharing my skills on the wheel & love for ceramics. This class is open for bookings & will fill out fast. For more details & to book, see my classes page.
Friday Nov 1st - 6.30pm-9.00pm
(6 week ceramic course)
Bisque Studios
2/167 Beavers Rd, Northcote
I look forward to connecting with you, I'm super excited for the new year & all it has to offer. If you'd like to join me on this ceramic journey then sign up to my mailing list for updates, check out my up-coming classes & don't miss this weekends HUGE garage sale & open-studio day.
Check out the photos of my new studio set-up below, it feels like home already.
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